On 25.11.2008 (16:54), Ronald van Eunen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed Lilypond on a Windows Xp based computer.
> Just for trying, music notation used to be my only reason for keeping Windows.
> But now that I've found Lilypond, I want to install it on my Ubuntu laptop.
> It seems to install (via apt-get), but no results so far.
> What do I need to know? I still consider myself an Ubuntu/Linux newbie.
> Please help me enjoy Lilypond and get rid of Microsoft!!

1. Solution #1 (basic)
a) write a .ly file and save it somewhere, e.g.
/home/ronald/music/great-music.ly, which
in linux can be abbreviated to ~/music/great-music.ly (I remember searching for 
a while
for an explanation of what '~' actually meant when I was new to linux; I
mean: how do you google something like that...?)
b) Open a console  and cd to where you saved your file ("cd music")
c) process your file: lilypond great-music.ly
d) open your fine file with a pdf reader (e.g. xpdf great-music.pdf)

2. Solution #2 (simpler)
apt-get jedit, then install the lilypondTool in the plugins section. 


<KnaraKat> Bite me.
* TheOne gets some salt, then proceeds to nibble on KnaraKat a little

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