Johan Vromans wrote:

While at the subject...

To change the default fonts for a document, the advised code is:

  \paper  {
    myStaffSize = #20
    #(define fonts
      (make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
                            "Nimbus Sans"
                            "Luxi Mono"
                             (/ myStaffSize 20)))

This a) requires an explicit variable setting for the staff size, and
You could just as well do (for the case the font size is 14pt, for pedagogical reasons):
 \paper  {
   #(define fonts
     (make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
                           "Nimbus Sans"
                           "Luxi Mono"
                            (/ 14 20)))

b) suggests the statements must be executed (or re-executed with a
different value of myStaffSize) after a possible staff size selection.

The latter is not true, changing the staff size also scales the fonts.
Well, yes and no! If you add a #(set-global-staff-size ...) below a
\paper{#(define-fonts (make-pango-font-tree ....}, then you will get back the default fonts,
not the ones you specified in the (define-fonts ...) command.

It's unfortunate that nobody (I feel somewhat guilty) has had the time to document this in a better way or to follow-up on the ideas discussed in

We have #(set-global-staff-size ...) to designate the desired staff
size, so why is another size specification necessary?

-- Johan

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