Carl D. Sorensen wrote:

On 12/9/08 6:03 AM, "Rob Canning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


i would like all my noteheads to appear as filled noteheads like a
crotchet/quaver notehead

from the documentation i found things like this that sort of do the job
but i dont know where to find the list of available options  - scripts.*
is there a scripts.filled-normal for example?

headPlus        = {
\once \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override NoteHead #'text = #(markup #:musicglyph "scripts.stopped") }

You've done a good job of searching.   You almost got the right answer.

Note that the example above changes the stencil from a notehead printer to
a markup printer.  Then, it selects the glyph to be used for the markup to
be scripts.stopped.

You will want to do the same thing, but without the \once before the

The list of available music glyphs is in the Notation Reference, Appendix
B.6 The Feta Font.  For a standard filled notehead, use noteheads.s2.

also i found things like this

\override NoteHead #'stencil = \parallelogram

this doesnt work for me but i see the idea...or maybe i dont - i think i
need to know all the different variables for NoteHead maybe - not sure
how this works - i see

#'color = #magenta
#'style etc.

but not sure where to find documnetation about how the syntax works or
what the available flags are.

Documentation about the NoteHead object is found in the Internals Reference,
section 3.1.69 NoteHead.  The standard interfaces for (or ways to affect the
characteristics of) the NoteHead are documented by links from that page.

The NoteHead page mentions a stencil property, but doesn't describe the
possible options, because the options include any piece of code (LilyPond or
Scheme) that returns a stencil.  This is described in the Notation
Reference, section 5.5.3 Modifying stencils.  This particular page points
you to the Feta Font page and would have helped you find the name of the
glyph for the filled notehead.

Unfortunately, this page is not yet indexed with a reference to stencil,
so I found it just by browsing through Chapter 5 of the Notation Reference,
Changing defaults.

Another way to find it (which I've often used in the past) is to get either
the pdf or the one big page HTML version of the Notation Reference, and
search for stencil.  This eventually (about 20 occurences into the file)
lands you at 5.5.3.

Hope this helps, and good luck with your project,

Carl Sorensen

many thanks for the time with your answer - all this gives me great help and i look foward to getting stuck into the documentation tomorrow

thank you

rob c

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