Le 12 déc. 08 à 07:59, Simon J Mackenzie a écrit :


I have a table of contents which contains the following...

1. Joy to the Universe 1
56. Woe Beyond Hope                                                3
112. Frankly 9
2001. Same Old Same Old                                          26

Is it possible to right align the preceding numbers in each \tocItem entry above

One possible trick is to add space at the left of the number, for instance:

\version "2.11.65"

#(define-markup-command (toc-number layout props text) (string?)
  (let* ((gauge-stencil (interpret-markup layout props "0000."))
         (x-ext (ly:stencil-extent gauge-stencil X))
         (y-ext (ly:stencil-extent gauge-stencil Y))
         (stencil (interpret-markup layout props text))
         (gap (- (interval-length x-ext)
                 (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)))))
    (interpret-markup layout props
      (markup #:concat (#:hspace gap text #:hspace 1)))))

numTocItem =
#(define-music-function (parser location num text) (string? string?)
"Add a line to the table of content, using the @code{tocItemMarkup} paper
variable markup"
(add-toc-item! 'tocItemMarkup (markup #:small #:line (#:toc-number num text))))

\markuplines \table-of-contents

\numTocItem "1." "Joy to the Universe"
\numTocItem "56." "Woe Beyond Hope"
\numTocItem "112." "Frankly"
\numTocItem "2001." "Same Old Same Old"
\markup \null


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