Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
Op donderdag 11 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea:
Ok, I thought one function of lilypond-kde4 was clicking a note in
Okular makes the cursor switch to that note in kate... but that doesn't
work here.

Strange. Try running okular 'file.pdf' from the console and look at the messages when you click a note.

If Kate is configured as the preferred app for *.ly then it should be started by ktexteditservice.

You can also try:

$ ktexteditservice textedit:///home/path/to/file.ly:0:7:7
(with a valid url of course)
best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

$ ktexteditservice textedit:///home/d/lilypondfiles/bass.ly:0:7:7
d...@debianstudio32:~/lilypondfiles$ kate(4998): createDoc
kate(4998) KateSessionManager::KateSessionManager: LOCAL SESSION DIR: "/home/d/.kde4/share/apps/kate/sessions"
kate(4998) KateApp::initKate: Setting KATE_PID: ' 4998 '
kate(4998) KateViewDocumentProxyModel::updateBackgrounds: false
kate(4998) KateMainWindow::KateMainWindow: **************************************************************************** 0x9567ed8
kate(4998) KateViewDocumentProxyModel::updateBackgrounds: false
kate(4998) KateViewDocumentProxyModel::updateBackgrounds: false
kate(4998) KateDocManager::slotDocumentNameChanged: docname changed: "Untitled" -----> "Untitled" kate(4998) KateDocManager::slotDocumentNameChanged: docname changed: "Untitled" -----> "bass.ly"
kate(4998) KateViewDocumentProxyModel::updateBackgrounds: false
kate(4998) KateApp::startupKate: KateApplication::init finished successful
kate(4998) KateViewDocumentProxyModel::updateBackgrounds: true

No messages when I open a lilypond generated pdf file with okular in the konsole...



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