On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 9:20 PM, Graham Percival
<gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> I recommend
>  < a\harmonic >4
> It's probably mentioned in Articulations, and is certainly
> mentioned in the section on Unfretted strings.  The way that
> strings notate artificial harmonics is
>  < a e'\harmonic>4
> but I don't know if that's appropriate for guitars.

Ah, thank you for that.  I tried something similar but could not get
the syntax correct.  Now the only problem is that the harmonic
noteheads are "open" whereas I believe it is standard in guitar
notation for the noteheads to be colored in when dealing with quarter
notes and the like.  It's been a long time since I've dealt with
guitar music so I'm not sure what the standard practice is now.  I see
some old scores in my collection that just use text spanners to
indicate artificial harmonics or what looks like a bold lower case 'o'
over each note.  It would seem that having the note heads look like
the duration they're supposed to be would be clearer.  Maybe someone
on this list is more up-to-date than I on this issue.

In the meantime this works well enough and will allow me to finish
this score and should be clear enough for most performers.

David Bellows

> Cheers,
> - Graham
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 09:00:01PM -0500, Dave Bellows wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm using Lilypond 2.11.65 to create a score for guitar.  Here's the
>> basic snippet I'm working with:
>> {a4 d b} \\
>> {f4 g r}
>> I need the top line to be artificial harmonics but the lower line to
>> be regular noteheads.  If I write:
>> {\override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic-mixed a4 d b} \\
>> for the top line then both lines are made into harmonics.  If I keep
>> that and write the second line:
>> {\override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'default f4 g r}
>> then both lines have regular noteheads (i.e., no harmonics on either line).
>> I am new to Lilypond but I have spent a good bit of time trying to
>> figure this out.  I would appreciate any suggestions.
>> David Bellows
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