
Just adding to this from my early experience...

\version "2.11.65"

Yeah I had similar problems. When I removed the incomplete temporary
\addlyrics {} entries the problem cleared up (Noting in them but %
comment lines.)
The other interesting thing was if I ran lilypond with the -V (verbose)
option set the problem also seemed to clear up.


On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 22:36:10 +0100, "Nicolas Sceaux"
<nicolas.sce...@free.fr> said:
> Le 14 déc. 08 à 20:29, Jonathan Kulp a écrit :
> > Running 2.11.65, Ubuntu Linux.
> >
> > I'm having problems running a file made up of several bookparts.  It  
> > looks like it's compiling fine and then it gets to the part where it  
> > draws systems and then there's a segmentation fault that kills it.   
> > Each of the files runs fine on its own, but gathered into a series  
> > of bookparts it fails.  From what I've been able to find out reading  
> > old postings and issues, this happens in large files sometimes.  Is  
> > there a known way to avoid this?
> >
> > If anyone would care to try the files out, I've posted a tarball on  
> > my website with all of the files in it.  Just run lilypond on the  
> > one called "LorcaMaster.ly".
> >
> > http://www.jonathankulp.com/lorca.tar
> I'll try to investigate it soon. Currently my problem is that I can't
> reproduce these bus errors or seg faults on my machine.
> Jon, I have problems untaring your archive, only cancioncilla.ly gets
> untared, can you check if something is wrong with lorca.tar?
> nicolas
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