Thanks Mark,
I was going to reply basically the same way, but from my past experience with this mailing list, it only incites more argumentative/sarcastic replies.

I've been using PC's since the '80's, I've been using many, many mailing lists. This list is by far the least friendly of any I have ever used. Unfortunately, it's the place to ask for help with Lily, even though the help is usually not provided, other than a curt rtfm. Tonight I installed Sibelius and input my piece in that, it transposed the second trumpet part a fourth while maintaining the same key sig as the 1st trumpet part, no problem. Yes, the printed parts are ugly as sin, but the manual is certainly more user friendly. I then saved the parts as a midi and imported it to Lily, but the imported file is messed up. But that's another problem for another days non-help on this list.

So at this point, looks like I will just have to do the long-hand work of typing in all the notes for the second trumpet part. At least it will be ready for a first reading tomorrow night.

Mark Polesky wrote:

I don't think the tone you're using belongs

I really don't understand this question.

Then don't answer it.

why on earth do you need to...

Please stop judging users who need things that
you don't understand.

I can't find this info in the manuals.
... LM 5.3 Scores and parts. Not terribly hard to find.

Please stop insulting users.

Great, that helps a lot. I haven't got a clue what scheme is.
In that case, may I courteously extend an invitation that you read the bloody Learning Manual?

Please stop the sarcasm and the indecency. If
you're trying to be funny, it isn't working.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader. Neil,
Trevor, Valentin: please don't give the answer.

What are you doing? Are you trying to turn people away from LilyPond? Do you work for Finale or something? There have been 15 replies to Chip's original message, and NO ONE has answered it yet.
This is embarrassing. If it were as easy to the
rest of us as it obviously is to you, someone
would have answered it. A user asks a perfectly
legitimate question, and the response is, "go
figure it out". This mailing-list is for users helping other users, not insulting them. Yes, the manual is
there, but the relevant information is obviously
not where he expects it to be. Meanwhile, his problem still remains -- has it occurred to you he may have a deadline, or that
he's forced to do it the long way because it's
not worth it for him to start learning Scheme?

Providing the answer may in fact help him to learn a thing or two about Scheme. That's been
my experience - when someone helps me by giving
a solution that works, if I don't understand it,
I can study it and learn something from it that
way. I've actually learned a lot that way.

But what you're doing is the opposite of helpful.
So please, stop. Since it's such an elementary
exercise, please provide it, now. I assume it'll
only take a minute. Then we can all learn. I'm curious myself, and I'm at least an elementary-
level Schemer. Chip's question is an interesting
one and the solution should be documented. Remember, the LilyPond manual is not a math textbook with exercises "left to the reader", it is a manual with answers, not questions. And so should be this mailing-list.

- Mark

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