Doesn't \parallelMusic enable you to do this? See "Writing music in parallel" in section 1.5.2 Multiple voices of the Notation Reference.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Antanas Budriūnas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: rearrange music flow

Thanks Arjan, thanks Francisco for replies.
Perhaps due my poor English you both misunderstood me.
There is a simplified example:

\version "2.11.65"

xi = \relative c' { << {e f} {c d}>> }
xii = \relative c'' { << {g f} {e d}>> }
xiii = \relative c' { << {e d} {c b}>> }

{ \xi \xii \xi \xiii }

Would be nice that all this code results the same score as from
\relative c' { << {e f g f e f e d} {c d e d c d c b}>> }

2008/12/27 Johan Vromans <>:
Arjan Bos <> writes:

Will this help you?

I don't think so. At least, if I understand Antanas correctly.

Assume you have a piece of music that consists of several sections.
For example, intro, verse1, chorus, verse2, chorus, bridge, verse3,
chorus, coda.

The normal way to program this in LilyPond is to create the individual

sopranoMusic = { intro for soprano, verse1 for soprano, ... }
altoMusic    = { intro for alto, verse1 for alto, ... }
tenorMusic   = { ... }
bassMusic    = { ... }

and so on. Likewise the lyrics, orchestral, etc.

So far, so good. Now I decided that I want to rearrange some sections.
For example, add a chorus before the first verse, and swap verses 2
and 3.

Yess!! Johan catched the idea!

There's no easy way to accomplish this. Using (many) variables will
help, but only if you applied the variables from the start, and then
it is still a cumbersome task.

The variable name system is of great importance. It's odd that I never
saw roman numbers used in variables' names in Lilypond code examples.
Would be pretty simple as they are letters;).

The main reason is that the programming
is done horizontally, per voice, while shuffling sections is a
vertical operation.

MusicXML solved this with two variants of coding layout: 'partwise'
and 'timewise' and conversion mechanism between them.

I think this is what Antanas refers to. His suggestion is to have a
grouping operator that you only need to apply to one voice, and that
will group all voices vertically.

This idea would be worth to think over too. But I didn't had this in my mind.
The problem is that \Staff (\StaffGroup) element behaves like text
paragraphs do �C it starts new line and wraps content according page
width. I guess that line-break is unnessessary when starting \Staff
and \StaffGroup element. So assume \StaffGroup elements could follow
each other in same line (such musical nonsense:) with possibility of
sections' shuffling.
The same is obvious for music (notes):
{ a }  { b }
% and
<< { a }  { b } >>

Sorry if I'm too bold... I understand thas it would be not so trivial
developing task.

Antanas Budriūnas


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