2. Could I ask the developers that maybe this should be implemented as

/outputfile "<the-filespec-you-want-without-a-path-or-extension>"
As the name is likely to get used for the graphical score out .pdf, .png etc.
and will probably also be used as the name for the .mid(i) file outputs.

Or would you want to do this with properties, e.g.

/layout {

    outputfile = "foo"


/midi {

    outputfile = "bar"


Sorry to be pedantic, but any solution would use backslashes (\) , not forward ones (/) :)

Just my 2p worth,



P.S. is there any way I could contribute to Lily if I only have a Windows only
system, or do you have to run Linux to be a grown-up Lily developer?

No prima facie reason why not, but Lilypond uses the git versioning system, which can be tricky to get running on Windows, or so I'm told.

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