Laura Conrad wrote:
(This is in Ubuntu 8.10 linux.)

I can use midi-input-mode in emacs to enter lilypond notes with my
left hand, and the durations on the numeric keypad with my right hand.

I can set up qsynth with jackd so that I get audio for the notes I
play on the MIDI keyboard.

But if I have the notes set up to sound, they don't get into the emacs
buffer, and vice versa.

I have done some playing with qjackctl and midi-thru and such, and
have not stumbled on a solution that would allow me to both see the
lilypond in the emacs buffer and hear the notes I play.

Can anyone give me a hint?
Is midi-input-mode aware of jack? Sounds (no pun intended) like you need the emacs mode to create a midi input port so that you can connect your midi keyboard to it via jack, as well as to qsynth.

Unfortunately, the link to Hans Lub's site (author of midi-input mode) from is dead
I know there are several other ways to use a MIDI keyboard for
lilypond input; I have tried some of the others, and this was the
first one I managed to get working.  If nobody knows the answer to
this specific question, but does have some other way to use a MIDI
keyboard to both see lilypond and hear audio output, I'd be glad to
hear about specifics.
There's always rosegarden, the all-singing, all-dancing midi sequencer, which includes lilypond output, both as .ly and .pdf -- it should be in Ubuntu repositories.

Rosegarden's lilypond output is usually better than the hamfisted method of recording a midi file with a non-lilypond aware app, and processing the file with midi2ly.

Hydrogen (drum machine) also includes lilypond output.

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