Am 01.01.2009 um 11:59 schrieb Nick Payne:

I'm using 2.12.0. I'm now wondering if it's due to using single staff
polyphony with two voices. In the bars with acciaccatura I have no notes in the bass voice for several bars at that point and so have \repeat unfold 4 { s2. }. Maybe the slur is being moved to avoid the silent note. Any way to
avoid that?
Yes. \oneVoice. The automatic << { } \\ { } >> construct inserts implicit \voiceOne, \voiceTwo, \voiceThree, etc. in the respective voices. You can manually set \oneVoice at your discretion. You may want to re-read NR 1.5.2 Explicitly instantiating voices.


-----Original Message-----
From: James E. Bailey []
Sent: Thursday, 1 January 2009 21:16
To: Nick Payne
Subject: Re: Move slur for acciaccatura

Am 01.01.2009 um 10:48 schrieb Nick Payne:

The slurs on the acciaccaturas in my score are all defaulting to
above the
stems of the grace notes, even when the grace notes are on or above
middle of the stave and their stems are up. How can I move the
slurs to
appear beneath. I tried using

                        \once \override PhrasingSlur #'direction = #DOWN
                        \acciaccatura { d16[ e16] } d8 c\> d2\! ~

But I still get the slur above, as shown in the attached PNG

Actually, I don't get the slurs above regardless. Using acciaccatura
or appoggiatura. Which version are you using?

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