Op donderdag 1 januari 2009, schreef Wilbert Berendsen:
> Op woensdag 31 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea:
> > Is there also a possibility to play midi in a quick way? Like it was
> > possible in lilykde in the log?
> Will be added Very Soon Now (TM).

It is added now in SVN. Install Subversion if not already there and:

svn co http://lilykde.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/frescobaldi
cd frescobaldi
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(kde4-config --exec-prefix)
sudo make install # or: su -c "make install"

please try: open in Frescobaldi a file with a \midi {} line inside \score { } 
block, click the Run LilyPond button and watch the log. There is also a menu 
entry LilyPond->Generated Files that has useful actions on the updated files 

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: http://www.frescobaldi.org/

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