This email was supposed to be send directly to the usergroup, so here it is.

Op Tuesday 06 January 2009 16:52:13 schreef u:
> ... I just feel stupid and dis-imaginative
> @ could you tell us the input code of result?
> I would maybe be comforted ;-)
> Thanks to all
> Francois

I should have send the inputcode the first time.

In this example I use two scores on the same line.
This should be possible with a construct like 
\markup { \line { \score { ...} \score {...} } }

But above every score I also have to put a markup.
I was only able to do this by using:
\markup {
   \line {
      \column { \line { ...} \score {...} } 
      \column { \line { ...} \score {...} }

To put some space between the two columns I used the command:
\translate #'(10 . 0)

About the layout:
I mostly do not use a time signature, nor the metronomemark.
One copy of the music is in front of a (very small) choir, so I need a rather 
large font.
To have both scores properly aligned I had to use the command:
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-5.8 . 5.8)

Good luck with your struggling.
Jan van Dijk.
\version "2.11.62"

#(set-global-staff-size 23)
global = { \key e \minor
    \set Score.timing = ##f

\layout {
   indent = 0.0
   textwidth = 170 \mm
   headsep = 0 \mm
   pagenumber = no
   ragged-last = ##t
   \context {
      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-5.8 . 5.8)
   \context {
      \override BarNumber #'transparent = ##t
      \remove Metronome_mark_engraver
   \context {
      \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #2.0
      \override LyricText #'font-size = #4
      \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Vera"

\markup {
%% Eerste Amen
   \line {
      \column {
         \line { \sans { { \with-color #red {P: } "Neemt, eet, ... " } } }
         \score {
            \context ChoirStaff
               \context Staff = women
               \context Voice = melodie {
                  \tempo 4 = 135
                  \relative c' {
                     fis1 g
               \context Voice = alt {
                  \relative c' {
                     dis1 e \bar "||"
               \context Lyrics = melodie { s1 }
               \context Staff = men
               \clef bass
               \context Voice = tenor {
                  \relative c' {
                     b1 b
               \context Voice = bas {
                  \relative c {
                     b1 e
               \context Lyrics = melodie \lyricsto melodie \lyricmode {
               A -- men.
            \layout { }
      \translate #'(10 . 0)
      \column {
         \line { \sans { { \with-color #red {P: } "Drinkt allen ... " } } }
         \score {
            \context ChoirStaff
               \context Staff = women
               \context Voice = melodie {
                  \once \override Score.MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t
                  \tempo 4 = 135
                  \relative c'' {
                     b2( a4 b c b8[ c] d4 c) b1
               \context Voice = alt {
                  \relative c'' {
                     g2( fis4 g a g8[ a] b4 a) g1 \bar "||"
               \context Lyrics = melodie { s1 }
               \context Staff = men
               \clef bass
               \context Voice = tenor {
                  \relative c' {
                     d1( d) d1
               \context Voice = bas {
                  \relative c' {
                     g2( d d1) g1
               \context Lyrics = melodie \lyricsto melodie \lyricmode {
               A -- men.
            \layout { }
            \midi { }
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