Tom Hall wrote:
Hello List

is it possible to combine harmonics notation with a small stemless parenthesized
note indicating the sounding pitch of a string harmonic? Something like
<a e' \harmonic  \parenthesize e'' >

-but also including a small stemless notehead (\tiny?) for the e'' This is
common in C20th notation.
I'm not familiar enough with lily tweaks and complex syntax to know how to
combine these properties, so any help appreciated.



In order to get the parenthesized notehead to be stemless, I put it in a separate voice. Otherwise it would make the other notes in the chord stemless as well. This example will produce a warning about clashing note columns unless you include the line about ignoring such warnings. HTH,



\version "2.12.1-1"

\relative c' {
  \clef "treble_8"
  \override Staff.NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t
  \override NoteHead #'style = #'harmonic-mixed

    { \oneVoice <a e'\harmonic > }


    { \override Stem #'stencil = ##f \oneVoice < \parenthesize e'' > }


<<attachment: parenthesized-stemless.png>>

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