On 1/12/09 2:07 AM, "Gilles THIBAULT" <gilles.thiba...@free.fr> wrote:

>> Please, help me with my own music function creation.
>> How can I modify music object or create a new one with
>> existing music data and add sustain event to it?
>> If I understand correct, I must use make-music function and  then use
>> (make-span-event 'SustainEvent START) call to generate sustain event .
>> Can anybody make short example, what such procedure must contain?
>> It is my furst music function and I have not any experience with it.
>> --
> Do you  know the \displayMusic function ? It is very useful, and i think it
> is the base to start.
>  \displayMusic {a1 \sustainOn a \sustainOff }for example, will give you
> scheme description
> of music and allow you to understand how things work.
> You see here that you have to add a
>         (make-music 'SustainEvent  'span-direction -1)
> to the 'elements property of an 'EventChord event.
> So the next step is to learn how to add an element to a list, with scheme.
> You can go to the reference manual of GUILE.
>     http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/guile.html
> All  about list is here :
>     http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/guile.html#Lists
> At end, you can read LSR, there is a lot examples doing things very close
> that you want to do.
> For example :
>     http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=82

You can also check the Notation Reference, chapter 6, for examples on music



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