Fibonacci Prower wrote:
2009/1/13 Mats Bengtsson <>
First of all, I would recommend you to upgrade to the new stable version 2.12, 
is much better than 2.10, not the least when it comes to the documentation.

Thank you for your advice, but 2.10.33 is the latest package on my
distro's repos, and I'd rather not compile by hand.
Please go to and click on downloads!

I just tried both of your suggestions, but found another problem -
namely, that the first stanza appears to be written lower below the
staff than the chorus, and the other stanzas even lower than that. I
would expect the first stanza to be written as close to the
corresponding staff as the chorus, so that the text can be read
continuously the first time.

How can I achieve that?
Just put the two sections to be aligned in the same Lyrics context (which means that you should again remove the \skip for the corresponding verse). Here's your full example:

\version "2.10.33"

bajoEstribillo = {
 e1 e2 b1 b2 e d1 f1.
 f1 d2 e d d e b1 e\breve.

letraEstribillo = \lyricmode {
 Si1 a2 -- brá_en1 es2 -- te bal1 -- drés1.
 man1 -- gas2 pa1 -- ra2 to -- das1 tres.1*3

bajoEstrofa = {
 e1 e2 b1 b2 e d1 e b2 e1 e2 b1 b2 e d1 e b2
 e1 e2 b1 b2 e d1 f f2 f1 d2 e d d e b1 e\breve.

letraEstrofaUno = \lyricmode {
 Tres1 mo2 -- ças1 d'a2 -- ques -- ta1 vi -- lla,2 tres1 mo2 -- ças1
d'a2 -- ques -- ta1 vi -- lla,2
 des1 -- o2 -- lla1 -- ban2 u -- na1 res1. pa1 -- ra2 man gas a to --
das1 tres.1*3

letraEstrofaDos = \lyricmode {
 Des1 -- o2 -- lla1 -- ban2 u -- na1 res,1. des1 -- o2 -- lla1 --
ban2 u -- na1 res,1.
 y1 fal2 -- tó1 -- les2 u -- na1 ti -- ra2 pa1 -- ra2 man gas a to --
das1 tres.1*3

\score {

\new Staff {
\new Voice = "bajo" \relative a {
 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bajo"
 \clef bass
 \time 3/2
 \bar "||"
 \new Voice = "estrofa" {
\new Lyrics {
 \set associatedVoice = "bajo" \letraEstribillo
 \set associatedVoice = "estrofa" \letraEstrofaUno
\new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "estrofa" \skip 2*3*9 \letraEstrofaDos }



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