
here is the doc:

and snip:
% -------------------------------------
        \layout {
                \context {
                                \override BarLine #'hair-thickness = #0.1
                                \override BarLine #'thick-thickness = #0.3
% -------------------------------------

These are *too* thin.

2009/1/20 Fibonacci Prower <fibonacci.pro...@gmail.com>:
> Well, I just tried printing the document with Adobe Reader under
> WinXP. At least the bars have just the right length, but they still
> look too thick.
> Even if I still used Evince, I could take care of that if there were
> any way to hand-tune the length and thickness of the bars. How do I do
> that?
> 2009/1/19 Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com>:
>> These links show already filed bugs on the issue. I am completely sure
>> that I myself filed a bug on poppler or libpoppler regarding to the
>> lilypond barlines, but I cannot find the URL despite of having been
>> searching for half an hour now.
>> Poppler is the PDF rendering library of evince, if I'm not wrong.
>> The bug is annoying because evince is the default document viewer in
>> Ubuntu and printed LilyPond scores are very ugly even on
>> high-resolution printers (or monitors!) when printed (or viewed!) with
>> evince.
>> [Bug 247113] [NEW] vertical bars are too thick
>> http://www.archivum.info/ubuntu-b...@lists.ubuntu.com/2008-07/msg10441.html
>> vertical bars are too thick
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poppler/+bug/247113
>> --
>> Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
>> http://www.paconet.org
> --
> $0='!/msfQ0yjoV!fe!sfldbi!psup!pmpT'x19xor print+map{("\e[7m \e[0m",
> chr ord(chop$0)-1)[$_].("\n")[++$i%72]}split//,unpack'B*',pack'H*',(
> $P='F'x18)."8186078739E1F0F0E19FCF333319CCE6667383CF0733099E67E7F39"
> ."FCF3333218067E7F39FCF3333319E6666739F860787399E70F0E1$P"#Perl rulz

Dmytro O. Redchuk

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