northofscotland wrote:
> My problem is that when combining the top parts as separate voices, it
> looks rather messy and confusing.  I can combine two parts with
> \partcombine, and that does give a much better copy, but it still leaves
> the third part.  I know that \partcombine can only handle two parts, but
> has anyone any idea how three parts might similarly be combined?

I think I need the same thing: combining 2 *OR MORE* parts in one staff or
double staff.
I need this for orchestral music in order to produce a simplified output
such as "woodwinds" or "brass" staves instead of a dozen staves with 90% of
void measures each...
Couldn't tweak \partcombine but perhaps because I'm just a basic Lilypond
Any idea?


Piero Faustini, PhD student
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche
Sezione musicologia
Università di Ferrara 

Software used:
- LyX 1.6.1 on WinXP; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond and MusixTeX for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies 

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