maj13 is *not* a chord name, even though it seems like it is.

It is a description of which pitches to place in a chord.

What you will need to do is to add a chord name execption, as described in
the selected snippets of Notation Reference 2.7.2 Displaying chords.

You'll first need to know what notes LilyPond puts on the page when you do a
\chordmode{c:maj13}, because that will be the lookup for the chord name.  A
simple printout without the chord exception will show that.

I added :maj13 to the exceptions snippet mentioned above:

% modify maj9 and 6(add9)
% Exception music is chords with markups
  chExceptionMusic = {
      <c e g b d'>1-\markup { \super "maj9" }
      <c e g a d'>1-\markup { \super "6(add9)"}
      <c e g b d' a'>1-\markup {\super "maj13"}

% Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions.
chExceptions = #( append
      ( sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)

theMusic = \chordmode {
    g1:maj9 g1:6.9
    \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions
    g1:maj9 g1:6.9

\layout {
    ragged-right = ##t

  \context ChordNames \theMusic
  \context Voice \theMusic

On 1/23/09 10:38 AM, "Ezequiel Sierra" <> wrote:

> ok so i have this
> chordset = \chordmode
> {
> \override ChordName #'font-size = #-1.0
> r4 c4. r8 r8 r8 c8:maj13 r8 r4. d8:m7
> }
> and inside my choir staff i have
> \new ChordNames \chordsett
> how can i display the maj13 beside the chord C
> note: this is for Chords Name only not for Chord notes
> Eze

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  • maj13 chord Ezequiel Sierra
    • Re: maj13 chord Carl D. Sorensen

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