The following solution avoids the need to manually figure out the adjustment value and might be a starting point for a clever Scheme hacker to do a fully automated solution. What it does is

% Make sure that the alignment point of the syllable is aligned with the note head: \override LyricText #'X-offset = #ly:self-alignment-interface::centered-on-x-parent

\relative c'{ c d e f }
\addlyrics {
 % Split the syllable into two halves to set the alignment point:
 \markup {\combine \right-align Dddda \left-align d }
 \markup {\combine \right-align da \left-align dddddd }
 \markup {\combine \right-align Dda \left-align dd }
 \markup { \right-align Dddda }

Unfortunately, it makes aligns the note head with the right hand end of the wovel, so it's not perfect. If we try to split the syllable into three parts (before first wovel, wovel and the remainder) and use \center-align on the wovel, you are hit by the same problem as in Note also that the \left-align is redundant and can be removed without changing the


Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Jiri,

I've attached a hint on how to do it manually.
If you need an automated process, perhaps someone on the list will take you up on your sponsorship offer.

Hope this helps!

\version "2.12"

\paper { ragged-right = ##f }

lyricX =
    #(define-music-function (parser location saX) (number?)
            \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = $saX

theNotes = \relative
    g a b c | d c b a | g1
theLyrics = \lyricmode
\lyricX #-0.9 Each syl -- \lyricX #0.2 la -- ble’s \lyricX #-0.5 vowel \lyricX #-1.8 is \lyricX #-1 on \lyricX #1 the \lyricX #-0.4 note.

        \new Voice = "melody" \theNotes
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \theLyrics

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        Signal Processing
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