Hi David,
I gave up on lilypond's chords when I was unable to write an F#9
Something like this?
\version "2.12"
\include "english.ly"
customChordExceptions =
<c e gf bf d'>-\markup { \concat { "9(" \raise #0.35 \fontsize #-2
\flat "5)" } }
newChordExceptionList = #(append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions customChordExceptions #t)
chordNameExceptions = #newChordExceptionList
\new ChordNames \chordmode { fs4:9.5-/as }
Except for the lower-case a (which could probably also be fixed
pretty easily), this seems pretty straightforward.
It's easier to enter chords as text attached to silent rests. Far
Well, I definitely have to disagree with you there. With the
definition above, I *guarantee* I can generate a thousand of these
chords on different roots, etc., far faster than any "text-on-silent-
rests" technique… never mind if the piece ever gets transposed! ;-)
Hope this helps,
I was ignored before and I expect to be ignored again. Been there,
no worries.
Nice attitude… fortunately there are some people on this list who
disregard sarcasm in the name of helping others.
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