Hi Jiri,

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 12:46 AM, Jiri Zurek (Prague) <zu...@ics.cas.cz> wrote:
> Although I can control the thickness of barlines in lilypond, I did not find
> the same property in breath signs which are used in old chant instead of
> barlines (divisio minor, maior, maxima, finalis) - these are defined in the
> gregorian.ly which is included in the lilypond distribution, but when I use
> them in conjunction with normal barlines (what I have to do), I would be
> happy that these breath signs are also a bit thicker to be similar to
> barlines - I love the thickness of barlines and therefore I do not want to
> make them slimmer to match the thickness of both items to be the same.
> How can I controll the thickness of the breath sings, please?

As you can see in ly/gregorian.ly, these are defined as BreathingSign
grobs, so you have to use overrides for the 'thickness property of

> Another problem is that the 'extra-X-extent property of breath signs does
> not seem to work as the breath signs (and barlines after all too) appear too
> close to the note which is on the left of them even though there is a
> special 'extra-X-extent applied in the gregorian.ly definition. It seems
> that the property is ignored by lilypond in this case. Is it a bug?

It is.  Checking the source code history, it appears that the
'extra-X-extent and 'extra-Y-extent properties were removed from
LilyPond in 2005.  Unfortunately the grob property is still
documented, and the overrides in ly/gregorian.ly still exist.  These
overrides have no affect on the musical output.

A property that does work is 'minimum-X-extent, so I changed all
'extra-X-extent --> 'minimum-X-extent, and the attached image is the
resulting output.  I don't know if this is more optimal or not, but
there is certainly a problem here.  I'll raise this issue on


<<attachment: gregorian.png>>

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