Am 07.02.2009 um 01:55 schrieb Anthony W. Youngman:

In message <>, Simon Bailey <> writes

On Feb 6, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Chip wrote:
When I view my file as .pdf it shows the very small margins all the way around the page. When I print the .pdf using jpedal I get what appears to be 1" margins left and right and bottom, and about 2" from the top of the page to the top of the title. What do I have to do to get the page to print just like the .pdf? I am using jedit/ jpedal on XP. Below is my code for this particular page.

most pdf viewers or printer dialogues have an option "scale page to fit printer margins" or something similar. i've run into this issue before when i've forgotten to ensure that the printer doesn't scale the printout.

technical reasoning behind this option is that a lot of pdfs have content all the way to the edge of the page and this content would otherwise be cut off in the printout, so by default, the printer driver will scale a pdf down to fit the printer margins.

So how do you get it to print properly if you DON'T want it to "shrink to fit"? (ime, it then prints the page, full size, but offset down and left by the printer margin!)

I've found it IMPOSSIBLE to get the pdf to print cleanly on a sheet of paper, full size, properly centred.


In Adobe Acrobat, I use no printer scaling, and automatically center. That gets it how it's supposed to be. At least for me.

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