David Stocker wrote:
How can I manipulate the space between lines in a \column? I'd like to reduce the space between the two lines in the below example by about 25%. I didn't see this referenced anywhere in the section on Text in the Notation Reference.
Why not look at the documentation of the \column markup command in http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Align#Align, which gives the answer to your question. Well, you also have to figure out how to specify this parameter, see the documentation of \override in http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Other#Other




David Stocker wrote:

To elaborate, and make it a little more elegant looking:

\version "2.12"

\relative c' {
 c1_\markup {
   \column {
\line { \general-align #Y #CENTER { \teeny \bold { \circle 5 } "=" "G" } } \line { \general-align #Y #CENTER { \teeny \bold { \circle 6 } "=" "C" } }

Jonathan-I think this does what we're looking for. It doesn't call the characters used for the string numbers, but it looks very similar. Now we need to move it left so that it's left aligned the clef, below the first line in the score.


M Watts wrote:
David Stocker wrote:
Hi folks,

Is there a way to insert a string number into a \markup? What I need is to indicate a scordatura for a guitar piece like this:

\markup {
 \column {
   \line { \small "5 = G" }
   \line { \small "6 = C" }

where the '5' and '6' are identical to their analogous string numbers (i.e. they are encircled)

In the Feta Font, these don't seem to by music-glyphs. Is there a reasonably easy way to call these within a \markup? are they glyphs from another font?

\markup {
\column {
  \line { \small \circle 5 "= G" }
  \line { \small \circle 6 "= C" }

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