To avoid all trial-and-error to figure out the relevant parameters to \raise, I would propose the following alternative (which also gets rid of the extra horizontal spacing between the parenthesis and the accidental): ^\markup { \smaller \concat { \vcenter ( \vcenter \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals.natural" \vcenter ) } }

In fact, you can simplify it even further into the following, which still gives the same layout:

^\markup { \smaller \concat { \vcenter ( \smaller \natural \vcenter ) } }


Quoting M Watts <>:

Nick Payne wrote:
Is it possible? I want to put a parenthesized natural above some notes. If I
do it within a single markup, the natural sign is not aligned with the
parentheses, and I haven't found any simpler way to get them aligned except
by having the left parens, the natural, and the right parens each in their
own markup and tweaking each one individually. Is there a simpler solution
or not? Eg.

How about this?  (I only altered the first one)

\version "2.12.2"

\relative c'' {

<c'-4>16-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-1.0 . 0)^\markup { \smaller{ ( \raise #'0.5 \smaller \musicglyph #"accidentals.natural" ) } }

   <a-1>-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.5 . -4.3)^\markup { ( }
   -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0.5 . -1.8)^\markup { \teeny \musicglyph
#"accidentals.natural" }
   -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(1.3 . 0.8)^\markup { ) } <fis-2>


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