Tim Slattery <Slattery_T <at> bls.gov> writes:

> I still can't get my output to look the way I want it to.Maybe
> Lilypond just doesn't do this.
> Traditional Sacred Harp music uses four dots, one between each line,
> for a repeat symbol. It looks just like what you get when you specify
> \bar":". The beginning of a repeat often starts in the middle of a
> measure, and I've gotten that effect by doing this (in a 6/8 song):
> | g2 \bar ":" r8 g8 |
> I don't know why it doesn't complain about the wrong number of beats
> in a measure, but it doesn't.
> The other end of the repeat is at the end of a measure, so it should
> like the \bar":" symbol immediately followed by a normal bar line. And
> that I cannot do.

First, for those who are unfamiliar with shape-note tunebooks and would 
like to see the sort of thing Tim is talking about, see for example
TitleID=610&Format=jpg&PageNum=26 .
That's a little different than the conventions Tim wants, but close.

To get the dots-with-a-simple-barline, you can make a custom stencil, like

# (define (barDotFn grob)
   (ly:grob-layout grob)
   '(((baseline-skip . 1) (word-space . 0.4) (thickness . 1.9)))
     #:line (
     #:column (#:draw-circle 0.2 0 #t #:draw-circle 0.2 0 #t )
     #:raise 2 #:draw-line '(0 . -4)) ) ))


    \repeat volta 2 {
        e4 c8 g'4 b,8 |
    } \alternative { 
            <<e2 c2>>
            \once \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = #barDotFn
        { \partial 8*6 <<e2. c2.>> | } 

(maybe there's a simpler way...)


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