On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:13:55AM -0800, RandomLilyPondUser wrote:
> Thanks, that worked!  I am new at lilypond, so sorry for the basic questions
> (I did browse the documentation, btw),

Good for you. Most users find that the quickest way to get started with
Lilypond is to quickly read the Learning Manual cover-to-cover. This
introduces the basic concepts, like variables, so that when you later
come across a specific problem you can easily go to the right point in
the (more substantial) Notation Reference and quickly find the answer.

> Toine Schreurs wrote:
> > 
> > You have to add drummode.
> > 
> > snflam = \drummode {
> >   \override Stem #'length = #4
> >   \acciaccatura {sn8}
> >   \revert Stem #'length
> >   sn4
> > } 

> for example, instead of the final sn hit being a
> quarter note (sn4), say I wanted to make it a variable to change, so writing
> \snflam16 would change the final note to a 16th note, \snflam8 would change
> the final note to an 8th note, etc.

The way I prefer to do this is to move the sn4 out of the variable so
that snflam just contains the grace note. That way, when I come to use
it in the music, I just do \flam sn4, \flam sn2, or whatever.

“I like talking to Rabbit.  He talks  about sensible things.  He doesn't
use long,  difficult words,  like Owl.  He uses short,  easy words, like
‘What about  lunch?’ and  ‘Help yourself,  Pooh.’  I suppose,  really, I
ought to go and see Rabbit.”     A. A. Milne, ‘The House at Pooh Corner’

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