El 18.02.2009, a las 12:49, Gilles Sadowski escribió:

I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space)
retaining midi output.

Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can
multiple \score blocks in a file.
\score {
        \new Staff {\bagpipeMusic}
        \layout {}
\score {
        \midi {}

How does this not work for your templates? I'm assuming you have a
\score block in your file. It probably has a \layout {} and a \midi {}
block in it. You duplicate the \score block, and leave one with the
\layout {} and one with the \midi {}.

I already have 2 "\score" blocks (namely to have "\unfoldRepeats" for
the MIDI output). But the thing is that both "\score"s refer only to a
variable "\staves" (defined in another file, that groups all the staves for all the instruments) and I don't want those blocks to refer to a "\drone"
variable which won't even exist in most projects. [When an instrument
doesn't exist in a score, I comment it out in the file that defines the
"\staves" variable.]

Then, in the one that has the
\layout {}, you remove all references to the "invisible" staff.

Currently, the drone is *not* in its own staff; it's a second "Voice" in
the bagpipe staff.
Hence my question: Is it possible to completely hide that "Voice" (the
same way that some symbols can be made to take no space at all). [That
would be the easiest solution since I wouldn't have to touch any file
other than the one concerned with the drone i.e. the bagpipe file.]
But, if the above is not possible, then I figure I'll have to add a new staff
for the drone, and figure out something with "\keepWithTag" (or
"\removeWithTag") to prevent the staff from appearing in the layout. [In any case, I'd seek a modification that would be done once for all in the "\score"s
blocks (i.e. no commenting in/out in each project).]


Ah, I understand now. Honestly, I would change the input to reflect what you want. What you want is a midi voice that is not present in the score. If I understand correctly, you have typeset this voice into the printed score. (This is where I learned a lot from Kieren about separating things.) I've learned with lilypond to put one thing into a variable. If there are two voice that are always two voices throughout the entire piece, then it's easier to type those two voices into separate variables and combine them in my staff, than to type them both into the same variable. First, for error-checking, it's easier to find exactly where a mistake is, if I only have to look through one voice. Second, if I ever need to make a change, it's easier to do that if they are separate.

Since you have what is essentially midi *only* information in a variable that also defines print information, yes, \removeWithTag is probably your best bet. But you really may want to consider changing how you separate information in the future.

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