Stefan Thomas wrote:
> I tried to install Frescobaldi from source.
> But I get the following error message:
> The C++ compiler "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" is not able to compile a
>   simple test program.
> I don't undertand the meaning of it-
> I use Kubuntu, with KDE 4.2

It looks to me like you don't have a proper build environment (including
a C++ compiler) installed. You can get what you need by installing the
build-essential package.

Alternatively, I've been working on setting up an Ubuntu PPA (personal
package archive) that contains Frescobaldi. While I have been told that
Frescobaldi will likely be included in Ubuntu Jaunty, I'm planning to
always have the most recent version available in this archive. I also
provide the latest version of LilyPond (currently 2.12.1 - I haven't
been able to get a 2.12.2 package to compile because of documentation
issues that I believe are fixed in git), since LilyPond releases occur
much more frequently than Ubuntu ones.

You can access the PPA by going to the following address:

That page also gives instructions for adding it to your sources.list.

If anyone does use this archive, I'd appreciate feedback. Thanks.

-Chris Snyder

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