Chip wrote:
> trpta = {
> \partial 8*1 e8-. |
> e4 d8 c4 d8 |
> e4 e8-. r r e |
> e4 d8 c4 d8 |
> e4 e8 r r fs |
> g4 fs8 g4 e8 |
> d2 d8 e |
> \times 2/3 {f4 fs b} |
> \times 2/3 {d c b} |
> g2.\fermata \bar "||" |
> r1*5
> }
> There errors are this -
> Interpreting music... [8]
> F:/Lilypond Files/Score warning: barcheck failed at: 
> \times 2/3 {f4 fs b}
>                      |
> F:/Lilypond Files/Score warning: barcheck failed at: 
> \times 2/3 {d c b}
>                    |
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> The piece is in 6/8 time.
> Thanks,
> Chip

In 6/8 time, there should be six eighth notes or three quarter notes per 
bar, but with a quarter-note triplet (your \times 2/3 {} construct) you 
have the equivalent of two quarter notes (triplet = three notes in the 
space of two), so you're a quarter note short in that bar.
It seems strange to me to even see a triplet in 6/8 time.

Tim Reeves
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