I always include a dummy score after my main score, something as simple as:

\score { \mypiecehere }

It forces the spacing routine to spread systems evenly across all pages.
Good luck!

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:28 AM, David Bobroff <bobr...@centrum.is> wrote:
> Håvar Skaugen wrote:
>> Hello
>> Thanks for developing lilypond. I have begun to typeset all my music with
>> lilypond and I'm very content with the results. However, there's one feature
>> I'm missing:
>> Is it possible to make lilypond avoid orphaned pages; pages that have only
>> one staff or system. These orphaned pages often appear when I make
>> individual parts from my scores. Would it be possible for lilypond to
>> automatically detect orphaned pages and make the staff size slightly smaller
>> until the page disappears?
> Check section:
> 4.1.2 Page formatting
> ...in the docs.  I think system-count and/or page-count will do what you
> want.
> David
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Neil Thornock, D.M.
Assistant Professor of Music
Brigham Young University

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