The simplest is probably to insert some \break commands where you want line breaks. Then, LilyPond will stretch out the note spacing. If you want exactly 4 measures per line, you can even insert a parallel line of the form
\repeat unfold 10 { s1*4 \break }
(assuming that your score has 10*4=40 measures in total).


Quoting Grammostola Rosea <>:


Imho Lilypond uses to many bars on one 'row' in a-4 format. I got about 8 bars (4/4), I prefer to have 4.
I tried to use:

\layout { }
 \midi {
   \context {
      \override SpacingSpanner
               #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)

But it doesn't seems to work...

Kind regards,


\header {
 title = "Autumn Leaves"
 subtitle = "(Les Feuilles Mortes)"
 composer = "Joseph Kosma"
 poet = "Johnny Mercer"
 copyright = "Enoch Et Cie"

tempoMark = {
 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols = #'(time-signature key-signature)
 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT
 \mark \markup \bold "Med. Swing"

global = {
 \tempo 4=120
 \key g \minor
 \time 4/4
 \partial 2.


chordNames = \chordmode {
 % Akkoordnamen volgen.
\transpose g c {
r2.  c1:m7 f:7 bes:maj7 es:maj7
a:m7.5- d:7 g:m g:m

c1:m7 f:7 bes:maj7 es:maj7
a:m7.5- d:7 g:m g:m

a:m7.5- d:7 g:m g:m
c1:m7 f:7 bes:maj7 es:maj7
a:m7.5- d:7 g2:m c:9 f:m7 bes:7
es1:maj7 a:m7.5- g1:m g:7

melody = \relative c'' {
 % Muziek volgt hier.
\transpose g c'
\relative c' {
g4 a bes | es1( | es4) f, g a | d2 d( |d4) es, f a
 |c1( |c4) d, e fis |bes1 |
 r4 g a bes |es1( |es4) f, g a |d2 d( |d4) es, f g |
 c1( |c4) a c bes |g1 |r2 fis4 g |
 a4 d, a'2( |a4) a g a |bes1( |bes4) bes a bes |
 c1( |c4) f, f' es |d1( |d2) cis4 d |
 es es c c |a2. es'4 |d2 d( |d) g, |
 c2. bes4 |a2 bes4 d, |g1 |r1 \bar "|."


verse = \lyricmode {
 % Liedtekst volgt hier.
The fall- ing leaves_ drift by my win- dow,_ The au- tumn leaves of red and gold; I see your
lips,__ the sum- mer kiss- es,__ The sun- burned hands__ I used to hold
Since you went a way the days grow long, and soon I'll hear old win- ter's song, But I miss you most of all, my dar- ling when au- tumn leaves start to fall.

\score {
   \new ChordNames \chordNames
   \new Staff { \melody  }
  \addlyrics { \verse }
 \layout { }
 \midi {
   \context {
      \override SpacingSpanner
               #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
                   tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 100 4)


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