Op maandag 02 maart 2009, schreef t.scharkow...@t-online.de:
> I had installed Frescobaldi on my Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4.1.2 system.
> Now I have upgraded to 8.10 KDE 4.2 and get the following error:

>  File "/home/thomas/frescobaldi-0.7.6/python/kateshell/mainwindow.py",
>line 220, in setupGeneratedMenus
>    QObject.connect(docMenu, SIGNAL("aboutToShow()"), populateDocMenu)
>TypeError: argument 1 of QObject.connect() has an invalid type

To what directory did you install Frescobaldi?

It seems it can't find its frescobaldiui.rc file that contains the menu 
definitions. Try reinstalling under KDE 4.2. Also make sure you updated 

If you installed lilypond-kde4 from source under KDE4.1.2 and want to 'make 
uninstall' it under KDE 4.2.0 you can better just re-install it from source in 
KDE 4.2.0 and then remove the files listed in install-manifest.txt (CMake has 
no make uninstall feature by default). That package is not needed anymore by 
frescobaldi in KDE 4.2.

If in general you want to compile stuff in KDE 4.2 you should also install 
kdelibs5-dev (don't know why the 5) on (K)Ubuntu.

BTW: there's a brand new dedicated frescobaldi mailinglist at 
frescoba...@googlegroups.com (http://groups.google.com/group/frescobaldi).

And indeed https://launchpad.net/~csnyder/+archive/ppa might be a very good 

good luck!
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: http://www.frescobaldi.org/
lilypond-user mailing list

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