On 07.03.2009, at 17:20, Tim McNamara wrote:

On Mar 7, 2009, at 4:05 AM, James E. Bailey wrote:

On OSX, the lilypond mode for emacs doesn't properly escape filenames. open -a 'Mighty MIDI' /Users/jamesebailey/Documents/James Music/ Choral Music/Windhauch/Windhauch.midi 2009-03-07 10:59:31.767 open[465] No such file: /Users/ jamesebailey/Documents/James

I'm having trouble making sense of what you are trying to do with this command and from where you are trying to do it.
Sorry, I'm trying to use the midi command in lilypond mode from within emacs. Since I'm on a macintosh, I change the timidity -ia and timidity in the lilypond.mode.el file to be open -a 'Mighty MIDI'. It works for opening the pdfs from within emacs. I use the emacs shortcut to view the pdf and it opens. I've changed the default xpdf to open -a 'Skim' and everything works perfectly.

That open command looks incorrectly stated for Emacs on two fronts. Are you typing this command in somewhere (Emacs or the shell) or is this command being generated inside Emacs from one of the lilypond-mode menus?
As previously stated, I'm typing this in the lilypond-mode.el file.

First, Emacs doesn't use an "open" command to open files, it uses the sequence Control-x Control-f (C-x C-f [and note the case]). If lilypond-mode is generating that command, it seems guaranteed to fail.
it works for the pdfs

Second, you're trying to open a MIDI file (.midi) rather than a LilyPond file (.ly); I don't know if opening anything but a .ly file will automatically enter lilypond-mode in Emacs (assuming you have set up the correct Lisp code in your .emacs file first to require lilypond-mode when a .ly file is opened).
lilypond mode works just fine. it's opening the midi file from within emacs that's the problem.

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