Hello Mats,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 11:30:09 AM, you wrote:

MB> fiëé visuëlle wrote:
>> Am 2009-03-11 um 00:29 schrieb melkiy:
>>> I want Lilypond to put the next syllable under pause, but it places 
>>> it under
>>> the next real note. Under an invisible note it does not draw text 
>>> either.
>>> This is needed because of another voice (that has not pause at that 
>>> place),
>>> the common lyrics bounded to the first one.
>> Why don't you just bind the lyrics to the voice that has the notes?
MB> Perhaps since you cannot find a single voice that has notes for all the 
MB> syllables. In such a case,
MB> you can switch between the different voices, see 
MB> (under the heading "Switching to an alternative melody").

MB>     /Mats

Yes, the second voice starts not from the very beginning and therefore
i can't bind the lyrics to it.
But the "\set associatedVoice = " works perfect for me! Great thanks!

Best regards,
 Alexey                            mailto:a-za...@yandex.ru

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