but reading them I can not determine if there is a way to use it in windows or not.

I run lilypondtool as setup with easylilypond and them upgraded with the latest lilypond and lilypondtool and I have 5 local songwriters setup this way also. What can I do to to help them compile their music into books?

Currently I we are just taking all the song pdfs and seperate pages for the cover and any other pages the author wants.on a jumpdrive to the printers.

I've tried \including them like someone suggested here last week, but that method I lost the song titles and other header information.

One author writes a variety of songs some are quite short 1 or 2 lines of music and other are more than one page - so she wants to be able to run one song over one page and then put a short song below it on the second page. Or put a drawing below the music on the second page if there are no short songs in that book.

I'm guessing for her converting to an image and them cutting and pasting into a dtp program will be the easiest.

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