Thanks Graham. I had considered TupletBrackets but couldn't work out how
I would use them. I'll check this out when I'm back in the lab on Monday.


Graham Percival wrote:
> Of course!  Duh!
> \version "2.12.0"
> \paper { ragged-right = ##f }
> \relative c'' {
>   \override TupletNumber #'text = "M2"
>   \times 2/2 { c4 d }
> }
> As you can see, you need to abuse the layout a bit to make sure
> the bracket gets printed.  TupletBracket supports
> #'minimum-length, though, so you don't need to make it as silly as
> I did.
> Cheers,
> - Graham
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 04:37:53PM +0100, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>> Would it be possible to use tuplet spanners for this purpose? I don't  
>> really have the time to work out the details right now, but perhaps  
>> somebody else could give it a try.
>>    /Mats
>> Graham Percival wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 06:30:21PM +0000, Stuart Pullinger wrote:
>>>> Could anyone point me towards a snippet/documentation which could help
>>>> me to attach markup to a bracket?  I'd like to mark up a score with
>>>> melodic intervals and potentially add other markup such as drawing
>>>> commands. A mockup edited in Inkscape is attached.
>>> Tricky!  I considered faking it with a text spanner, but those
>>> only do (bound-details left ...) or (bound-details right ...).
>>> You really want a "center" (although I guess that wouldn't be a
>>> *bound* detail any more.  :)
>>> It's relatively easy to fake such things with #'extra-offset, but
>>> that requires manual tweaking, of course.  I've added an example
>>> to the end.  What you really want is an automatically-placed
>>> markup, though.
>>> ... you /might/ get good results with spacer rests.  Add a
>>> s8*0^"M2" between every pair of notes.  This gets messy, but if
>>> you're generating the score algorithmically (which you might be
>>> doing?) then it shouldn't increase the complexity of the program
>>> too much.
>>> I guess it depends on how many of these you want.  If it's one
>>> page of instructions, then I'd just do extra-offsets.  You might
>>> also want to turn off collision avoidance, so that the initial
>>> placement of the text script would be more predictable.  (if you
>>> do this, then probably 95% of the text scripts can use the same
>>> #'extra-offset values)
>>> If you want more than a page or two, especially if you have a
>>> score with real music and expressive marks, then I'd start looking
>>> at adding (bound-detail center text) capabilities to lilypond.
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Graham
>>> \version "2.12.0"
>>> \layout {
>>>   \context {
>>>     \Voice
>>>     \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> \relative c'' {
>>>   \override HorizontalBracket #'direction = #UP
>>>   c4\startGroup\startGroup
>>>     -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(1.8 . -2.5) ^\markup{ M2 }
>>>   d4\stopGroup
>>>   e4\startGroup
>>>   f4\stopGroup\stopGroup
>>> }
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>> =============================================
>>      Mats Bengtsson
>>      Signal Processing
>>      School of Electrical Engineering
>>      Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
>>      SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>>      Sweden
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