2009/3/23 Steve Yegge <steve.ye...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> In flamenco and bossa-nova guitar music it is quite
> common to damp some (but not all) strings with the
> left hand while strumming.  The standard notation for
> this is to have cross-noteheads on the damped strings
> and normal noteheads on the strings that should ring.
> Lilypond makes it extremely tedious to deal with this
> relatively common situation.  It's easy to have the entire
> chord drawn with x-noteheads, but much more difficult
> to get only some of the notes to have x-noteheads.

Perhaps you could use the \tweak command to get the output you need.
I assume there is a way to automate this more or less with music
functions, but I can't look into it right now.

\tweak is explained in the Learning Manual, chapter 4.1.4

%%% BEGIN %%%
\version "2.12.2"

\relative c' {
  <a-0 e'-2 a-3 c-1 e-0>8
  <a \tweak #'style #'cross e'
     \tweak #'style #'cross a
     \tweak #'style #'cross c e>
  <a e' a c e>
  <a \tweak #'style #'cross e'
     \tweak #'style #'cross a
     \tweak #'style #'cross c e>
  <a e' a c e>
  <a \tweak #'style #'cross e'
     \tweak #'style #'cross a
     \tweak #'style #'cross c e>
  <a e' a c e>
  <a \tweak #'style #'cross e'
     \tweak #'style #'cross a
     \tweak #'style #'cross c e>
%%% END %%%


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