Hello all,
I have another question (two in one day, sheesh!).  I recall seeing a
post a couple of years ago in which someone got a spanner that had
texts in the middle, like so:

a ________ b ______________ c ________ d

The texts could attach at specific rhythmic points.  I think it was
Schemed... if I remember correctly, that is.  Does anyone remember
this?  I've scoured the lists to no avail.

In any case, any hackers that have a solution?  Right now I'm trying
to align a whiteout markup with zeroed Y-extent over an extant
textspanner, but often I get funny-looking half dashes and whatnot.

Ugh, once this score gets finished...

Neil Thornock, D.M.
Assistant Professor of Music
Brigham Young University

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