Am 25.03.2009 um 02:26 schrieb Frederick Dennis:

Dear All,
In the following extract from "The Preces and Responses"
by John Reading (d. 1692), the tenorTwoSnippet lyric "to"
has an over-long extender. Adding skips after it makes
the extender even longer. Is there any way of shortening

Can you give a bit more context? After paring down to just this, I'm having a little difficulty understand how this problem arises in the actual music. The extender is so long because there's no text after it, simply adding another syllable solves that problem. So, I ask for a bit more context, since I'm guessing in the actual music, there is text after the word to, and before as well.
\version "2.12.2"

tenorTwo = \relative c' {
        \key a \major
        \time 3/4
        cis8. b16( a2)
        a( gis4)

tenorTwoSnippet = {
    \lyricmode {
          \skip 1
    to __
\score {
                \new Staff \new Voice = TenorII \tenorTwo
                \new Lyrics \lyricsto TenorII \tenorTwoSnippet
Is there an easy way of lining up the choir staves so they
stack neatly?

You may want to consider putting each line of music in its own markup. That way you can set explicitly how you want the horizontal spacing.

Why doesn't \once \override Slur #'positions = #'(6 . 6)
have any effect on the slur in the alto part?

It does when I compile this.
James E. Bailey

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