Hajo Dezelski <dl1sdz <at> googlemail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> Are there recommondations for an integrated editorial environment
> using lilypond-book on a windows machine which is easy to use ? I know
> I have to learn some coding  but I dont want to dig the next year into
> the internals of TEX to layout a text properly.

A very easy to use editor for TeX on Windows is WinEdt.  I used it all the time
when I had a windows machine.

You can get started in LaTeX with a tutorial available on the web called
"The (not so) Short Introduction to LaTex".

> I like the clear format of the lilypond-documentation. Would that be a
> starting point and when yes: How could this be done without using
> dreamweaver 

The LilyPond documentation doesn't use Dreamweaver.  It does use TeX,
in the form of output from texinfo.



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