This is a known bug, see In this bug database you can also see that this is one of 258 open issues. :-(


Nick Payne wrote:
See attached. The arpeggio on the chord without the fingering is fine, and
the fingering without the arpeggio is fine, but the two together results in
a large gap appearing between the fingering/arpeggio and the notes. What I
want is the fingering just to the left of the notes and the arpeggio just to
the left of the fingering.  I can move the fingering with \tweak, but I
haven't yet found how to move the arpeggio, and even if I can, a) it's going
to be a major PITA to do all this tweaking at every point where I have this
construction, and b) moving it means there will be a rather ugly looking gap
between the preceding element in the score and this one.

The problem seems to be related to having the arpeggio across voices, as if
I remove only the arpeggio against the part of the chord in voiceFour, then
the gap disappears, though I still have the arpeggio appearing to the right
of the fingering rather than to the left.



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