
I have a "Theme and Variations" questions. I started notating a piece what could be handled with (3.1.2 "Multiple scores in a book", see also http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=310). But I need a lot of layout setup in the PianoStaff, that is bound to the \score. Further I would like to write the Upper, Lower and Dynamics of the three variations in a similar way as I did for the theme.

What is a convinient way to continue this notation work? I would like to avoid duplicating text group by copy and paste.

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,
\version "2.10.4"
\include "deutsch.ly"
\include "pedal.ly"

upperStaff = \relative c' {
	\clef treble	\key ces \major	\time 2/4
	\set Staff.midiInstrument = "harp"

	\tempo 4=60
 	\repeat volta 2 {
		\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
		<ces-4 es-3 ces'-1>4(^"Andante"_\markup \harp-pedal #"^^^|^^^-" <ces es ces'>) |
		<< { ces'4\>\arpeggio( b4-2) } \\ { <des, fes>2\arpeggio } >> |
		<des fes b>4( <des fes b>) |
		<< { b'4\arpeggio( as) } \\ {
			\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
			\once \override Staff.Arpeggio #'padding = #-0.2
			<ces,-4 es-3>2\arpeggio } >>  |
		< es as ces es>4( < es as ces es>) |
		<< { es'4.\arpeggio des8 } \\ { <fes, as b>2\arpeggio } >>  |
		<es as ces>4 <des g b> |
		<ces as'>2\accent |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		<es ges ces es>8.[\arpeggio des'16(-2 ces8.)-3 es16](-2 |
		ges2) |
		<ces,, es as ces>8.[\arpeggio b'16-2 as8.-3 ces16-2] |
		es2 |
		<fes, as des fes>4\arpeggio <fes as des fes>\arpeggio |
		<fes as des fes>4\arpeggio <fes as es'>8.-1\arpeggio  des'16-2 |
		<fes, as des>4-1\arpeggio <fes as ces>8.-1 b16-2 |
		<des, g b>4-1\arpeggio es-3 |
		<ces es ces'>4( <ces es ces'>) |
		<< { ces'4\arpeggio( b) } \\ { <des, fes>2\arpeggio } >> |
		<des fes b>4( <des fes b>4) |
		<< {
			\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
			b'\arpeggio( as) 
			} \\ { <ces,-4 es-3>2\arpeggio } >> |
		<es as ces es>4( <es as ces es>) |
		<< { <ces' es>4.\arpeggio <b des>8 } \\ { <fes as>2\arpeggio } >> |
		<es as ces>4 <des g b> |
		<ces as'>2

dynamic = {
	% line 1
	s4\p\< s\! s\> s\! | 
	s4\< s\! | 
	s4\> s\! |
	s4\< s\! | 
	s2 |
	% line 2
	s4\> s | s2\! |
	s2 | s2 | s2 | s2 |
	% line 3
	s2 | s2 | s4\> s | s4 s\! |
	s4\p\< s\! | s4\> s\! |

	% line 4
	s4\< s\! | 
	s4\> s\! |
	s4\< s\! | 
	s4 s\> | s s | s2\! |

lowerStaff = \relative c {
	\clef bass	\key ces \major	\time 2/4
	\set Staff.midiInstrument = "harp"
	\repeat volta 2 {
		<as as,>4 <as as'> |
		<g g'>2 |
		<g g,>4 <g g'>4 |
		<as as'>2
		<ces ces,>4 <ces ces'>4 |
		<des des'>2 
		es4 es, |
		as'4 as, |
	\repeat volta 2 {
		<ces es ges ces>4\arpeggio <ces' es>
		<ces ces,>4 <ces es> |
		<as es ces as>4\arpeggio <as ces> |
		<as as,>4 <as ces> |
		<des, as fes des>4\arpeggio <des fes as des>\arpeggio |
		<des as fes des>4\arpeggio <des fes as des>\arpeggio |
		<des des,>4 <des des'> |
		<es es,>4 r |
		<as, as,>4 <as as'> |
		<g g'>2 |
		<g g,>4 <g g'> |
		<as as'>2 |
		<ces ces,>4 <ces ces'> |
		<des des'>2 |
		es4 es, |
		as'4 as, |
	a b c

\book {
	\header {
		title = \markup { \italic "Thema"  }
		subtitle = " "
		composer = \markup { "John Thomas" }
		dedication = { }
		tagline = \markup { "" }
	\score {
		\context PianoStaff <<
			\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
			\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Harfe" 
			\new Staff = "upper" \upperStaff
			\new Dynamics = "Dynamics_pf" \dynamic
			\new Staff = "lower" \lowerStaff
		\layout {
			% define Dynamics context
			\context {
			  \type "Engraver_group"
			  \name Dynamics
			  \alias Voice
			  \consists "Output_property_engraver"
			  \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
			  \consists "Script_engraver"
			  \consists "New_dynamic_engraver"
			  \consists "Dynamic_align_engraver"
			  \consists "Text_engraver"
			  \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
			  \consists "Axis_group_engraver"

			  pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
			  pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
			  \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
			  \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
			  \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
			  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
			% modify PianoStaff context to accept Dynamics context
			\context {
				\accepts Dynamics
	\score {
		\unfoldRepeats {
		\context PianoStaff <<
			\context Staff = upper \upperStaff
			\context Staff = lower \lowerStaff { a b c d e f g }
		\midi { }
% The following defines a new markup command 
%      \harp-pedal #"^-v|--v^" 
% for harp pedal diagrams. Possible values in the string are:
%   ^ ... pedal is up
%   - ... pedal is neutral
%   v ... pedal is down
%   | ... vertical divider line
% The function does not check if the string has the typical form of three
% pedals, then the divider and then the remaining four pedals. Instead it 
% simply prints each symbol in the order as given. This means you can place
% the divider (even multiple dividers) anywhere you want.
% There is also a \harp-pedal-verbose version, which 
% takes a list of directions and a possible |. Unfortunately, it has some
% caveats:
%   1) the | cannot be given as a string "|", but as a character #\|
%   2) if one wants to use directions like UP, CENTER or DOWN, one cannot use
%      '(UP DOWN CENTER #\| ....), because the contents of that list are 
%      never evaluated. Instead one has to explicitly create a list like
%      (list UP DOWN CENTER #\| ....)

#(define-markup-command (harp-pedal-verbose layout props pedal-list) (list?)
  "Make a harp pedal diagram containing the directions indicated in @var{pedal-list}.

  For example,

\\markup \\pedal-diagram-verbose #'(1 0 -1 #\\| 0 0 1 1)
\\markup \\pedal-diagram-verbose #(list UP CENTER DOWN #\\| CENTER CENTER UP UP)
@end example
  (make-harp-pedal layout props pedal-list))

#(define-markup-command (harp-pedal layout props definition-string) (string?)
  "Make a harp pedal diagram.  For example, say

\\markup \\harp-pedal #\"^-v|^^^^\"
@end example
  (make-harp-pedal layout props (harp-pedals-parse-string definition-string)))

#(define (harp-pedals-parse-string definition-string)
 "Parse a harp pedals diagram string and return a list containing 1, 0, -1 or #\\|"
  (map (lambda (c) 
    (case c
      ((#\^) 1)
      ((#\v) -1)
      ((#\-) 0)
      ((#\|) #\|)
      (else c)))
    (string->list definition-string)))

#(define (make-harp-pedal layout props pedal-list)
  "Make a harp pedals diagram markup"
  ; FIXME the size variable should be defined by a prop. lookup
  (define sz 1.2)
  ; TODO is it worth adding a thickness variable here?
  (let* ((x (* sz 4))
        (y (* sz 2))
        (box-width (* sz 0.4))
        (box-height (* sz 1))
        (space (* sz 0.5))
        (box-x-dimensions (lambda (prev-x p) (cons (+ prev-x space) 
                                             (+ prev-x space box-width))))
        (box-y-dimensions (lambda (prev-x p) (cons (+ (- y (/ box-height 2)) p) 
                                                   (+ y (/ box-height 2) p))))
        (divider-command (lambda (xpos) (list 'draw-line 0.2 xpos 0 xpos (* y 2))))
        (result (let process-pedal  ((remaining pedal-list)
                                     (prev-x 0)
                                     (stencils '()))
          (if (null? remaining)
            (cons prev-x stencils) 
            (case (car remaining)
              ((1 0 -1) 
                 (let* ((p (car remaining))
                        (stencil (make-filled-box-stencil
                                  (box-x-dimensions prev-x p) (box-y-dimensions prev-x p)))
                          (new-prev-x (+ prev-x space box-width space)))
                      (process-pedal (cdr remaining) new-prev-x (cons stencil stencils))))
                    (let* ((xpos (+ prev-x space))
                           (stencil (ly:make-stencil (divider-command xpos)))
                           (new-prev-x (+ prev-x (* 2 space))))
                      (process-pedal (cdr remaining) new-prev-x (cons stencil stencils))))
                  (display "unhandled entry in harp-pedal:")
                  (display (car remaining))
                  (process-pedal (cdr remaining) prev-x stencils))))))
        (final-x (car result))
        (stencils (reverse (cdr result))))
    ; Add the horizontal line and combine all stencils:
    (apply ly:stencil-add 
          (ly:make-stencil (list 'draw-line 0.2  0 y final-x y)) 
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