Op dinsdag 07 april 2009, schreef Christ van Willegen:
> (...) told me that they were already looking into using Lilypond...
> So, here's a serious example of the usage of Lilypond in the real world.
> I was wondering if perhaps 'we' were able to help him, by:
> - Engraving songs for publishing, making them 'as good as possible';
> - Extending Lilypond to (more easily?) accomodate engraving of church
> music. Two examples that I can think of are: Setting rests at the end
> of a system, and making music centered and not left aligned;
> - Any other advice/techniques/additions/modifications we can think of.

*  left-aligning song lines on the lyrics, not the first note. This is
   possible using invisible barlines in the lyrics, it doesn't need extra
   commands in the music. I created already some demos showing this.
*  Kerning in lyric syllabes that are so close to each other that no hyphens
   are printed. There is sometimes still some space visible, which is not so

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: http://www.frescobaldi.org/

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