There have been a number of requests over the years for this kind of feature. Primarily to get more understandable layout in cases where there are accidentals on some of the notes and you want the accidental to be close to the corresponding note head, if I remember correctly. Search the mailing list archives for related discussions.


Mark Polesky wrote:

Here's a rather awkward solution. How often would
you need this? And just out of curiosity, why? I guess I would use something like this if I were
making a "circle the correct notation" exercise in
a textbook or something. Anyway, the solution I have here would be a pain if you needed to do it repeatedly. If there's a pattern to your stem-side-
switching noteheads, it might be easier to automate
with a macro. So let us know if there's a general
functionality. Would you want to switch all seconds
(easier to implement) or be able to select which
seconds to switch (harder to implement)?

Hope this helps.
- Mark

\version "2.13.0"

{ <d' e' gis'>
  \once \override Stem #'length = #7.8
  \once \override Stem #'Y-offset = #-0.4
  <\tweak #'X-offset #1.19 d' \tweak #'X-offset #-1.25 e' gis'>



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        Signal Processing
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