Hi Henning (et al.),

Indeed, in most hymn books I've seen, the breves have 2 lines each side,
As you can see here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Double_whole_note), too.

Ah... I wasn't aware that the two-sideline breve and one-sideline breve were the same duration.

so "huzzah" for Kieren's code!
I agree with the "huzzah", even for Kieren himself!


But for me it is another form of the breve, not of the longa.
Kieren, what was your intention? (I thougt you wanted a quadruple- whole-note.)

Yes, I thought the original poster wanted a double-breve (quadruple- whole-note) -- that's why I used the *2, to double the \breve (double- whole-note).

On the other hand, it should be easy to change your last example from
\score { { \dbreve b'\breve*2 } }
\score { { \dbreve b'\breve } }
To me, this would make sense.

The engraver can have it either (or both!) ways!  ;)

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