now that's a far more elegant solution than anything i'd ever have
come up with. :) thanks, kieren, i just learnt some new things. :)
On 21 Apr 2009, at 14:27, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Frédéric:
Halas, for StaffGroup, the trick works but the spanners are
all at the top of the score, not above each StaffGroup.
Maybe this hint will help you solve the problem:
\version "2.12.2"
\type "Engraver_group"
\consists "Text_spanner_engraver"
\consists "Axis_group_engraver"
\name "ConTextSpan"
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(1 . 3)
\context { \Score \accepts ConTextSpan }
\context { \Voice \remove "Text_spanner_engraver" }
stringendo = { \textSpannerUp \override Score.TextSpanner #'(bound-
details left text) = "Stringendo" }
\new ConTextSpan { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4
{ c' } c'\stopTextSpan }
\new StaffGroup
\new Staff { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4
{ c' } c'\stopTextSpan }
\new Staff { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4
{ c' } c'\stopTextSpan }
\new ConTextSpan { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4
{ c' } c'\stopTextSpan }
\new StaffGroup
\new Staff { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4
{ c' } c'\stopTextSpan }
\new Staff { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4
{ c' } c'\stopTextSpan }
Bonne chance!
Simon Bailey
Oompa Loompa of Science
+43 699 190 631 25
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