I would like to reduce the vertical space between staves (aka 1-stave
systems) within one \score on a page that has two other \scores.

Once the rest of the content is added, I want to force the first \score's
staves much closer together and leave all the default automatic spacing in
place for the second two scores.  This will allow all three scores to fit
on one page.

I've tried the \overrideProperty #"Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn" approach,
with no changes, I've tried next-padding and next-space with som bad
results and lots of typing (a new override before each \break).  The
\paper values affect the whole document, and don't seem to be able to be
updated in the middle of the page.

I have some minor questions, too:

(1) My quoted-string fingerings lost their fingering markup and have a
default appearance.  How do re-markup these strings to look like
single-character fingering numbers (small, bold)?

(2) I'm using ellipses (...) in the strings in (1) to indicate the same
fingering going on.  Is there a way to draw a horizonal line, instead,
about 2cm long folowing the fingering?  Maybe marked-up lyrics, like one
would do for
But instead,
marked-up to look small and bold and left-aligned with the note, and
spreading under the next note(s) (where the "---" are horizontal lines,
not really dashes)

(3) When I put the \score \header directly after the \score, it is ignored
(I think)--well, it behaves badly, the one from the next \score is used. 
Does \header have to go at the end of the \score?

(4) Can I put these (repeated in each \score) into a \Score \Context?
        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
        #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
Or somewhere else where they are not repeated?


\version "2.12.0"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

\paper {
        indent = 0\cm
        #(set-paper-size "letter")

        title = "Warm Up"

\layout {
        \context {
                        \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

\score {
        \transpose bes c {
                \relative c' {
                        \key bes \major
                        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
                        \override Staff.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = 
#'#(#f #t #t)

                                  bes'1-"0..."   ( f' )   ( bes ) ( f )   ( 
bes, ) \bar "||"
                        \time 4/4 a-"2..."       ( e' )   ( a )   ( e )   ( a, 
)   \bar "||"
                        \time 4/4 e-"1+2+3..."   ( b' )   ( e )   ( b )   ( e, 
)   \bar "|."
        \header { piece = "Warm Up #1" }

\score {
        \transpose bes c {
                \relative c' {
                        \key bes \major
                        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
                        #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
                        bes'2-"0..."    ( f' )
                        a,-"2..."       ( e' )
                        aes,-"1..."     ( ees' )
                        g,-"1+2..."     ( d' )   \break
                        ges,-"2+3..."   ( des' )
                        f,-"1+3..."     ( c' )
                        e,-"1+2+3..."   ( b' )
                        bes-"0..."      ( f' )   \bar "|."
        \header { piece = "Warm Up #2" }

\score {
        \transpose bes c {
                \relative c' {
                        \key bes \major
                        \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
                        #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
                        bes'4-"0..."    ( f'   bes2 )
                        a,4-"2..."      ( e'   a2   )
                        aes,4-"1..."    ( ees' aes2 )
                        g,4-"1+2..."    ( d'   g2   )   \break
                        ges,4-"2+3..."  ( des' ges2 )
                        f,4-"1+3..."    ( c'   f2   )
                        e,4-"1+2+3..."  ( b'   e2   )
                        bes4-"0..."     ( f'   bes2 )   \bar "|."
        \header { piece = "Warm Up #3" }

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