Stjepan Brbot schrieb:
Marc Hohl wrote:
 descried his analysis about chords representation

Thanks Marc very very much. Actually your code does not work for me but you
pointed me to right direction. I analyzed ly/ and
scm/chord-name.scm files and functions in them to understand how chord logic
works. After several tunings and tries I found very simple solution for my need. I
do not even need to change and chord-name.scm. I shouldn't
use internal \germanChords directive, but define in my lilypond file the

\set chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->german-markup #t)
Ok, then I have misunderstood this function, I thought that it will use
German names for the bass notes , i.e. "Fis" instead of "F#".
After this both chords and basses in chords are represented using "H" and
"B" (not "B" and "Bb"). Surprisingly how simple solution became at the end
Great! (I know, somethimes I think way too complicated and am astonished to
see that there is always a simpler solution...)



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